

It increases the intensive growth of leaf and root biomass, improves the quality parameters of crops and their structure, increases the resistance of plants to adverse weather conditions: droughts, frosts, hailstorms and accelerates regeneration after stress.

The effect of the preparation on plant nutrition

Product characteristics​

Innovative organic and mineral fertilizer in the form of a liquid concentrate. Fertilizer ingredients in the form of nanoparticles are quickly absorbed by plants. Intended for use in the cultivation of agricultural, fruit and vegetable plants. It contains an optimal composition of macro- and micronutrients complexed with amino acids and fulvic acids, optimal for plants. The fertilizer, rich in 11 nutrients, was developed on the basis of the average demand of 19 species of crops. The fertilizer dissolves perfectly and mixes with other agrochemicals.

Product features​


Innovative organic-mineral fertilizer with a biostimulating effect in the form of a liquid concentrate


It contains a composition of macro, meso and micro ingredients, optimal for plants, complexed with amino acids and fulvic acids along with iodine, which stimulates the expansion of the plant’s conductive bundles.


Effectively increases yields and improves quality parameters


Increases the intensity of root, stem and leaf biomass growth in the vegetative growth phases


Enables optimization of soil fertilizer doses by reducing them by 30%-50%, based on soil chemical analysis


The composition of the fertilizer was developed on the basis of the average demand of 19 species of crops


Nitrogen (N) – 5.9%  Phosphorus (P2 O5) – 4.3% Potassium (K2O) – 6.1% Magnesium (MgO) – 1.6% Sulfur (SO3) – 3.8% Bor (B) – min 817 mg / kg Copper (Cu) – 500-1000 mg / kg Iron (Fe) – min 1322 mg / kg Manganese (Mn) – min 1551 mg / kg Molybdenum (Mo) – min 264 mg / kg Zinc (Zn) – 1500-3000 mg / kg
Iodine (I) – 0.0025%
Humic acids – about 3.3% C / kg
Total organic matter – 56.8% (including amino acids and other organic compounds).

Recommendations for use​


Dose in l/ha

Apply dates

I,II,III,IV…. number and sequence of treatments according to developmental stages BBCH
Apple, Pear 4-5 l/ha I– pink bud phase (apple tree) and white bud phase (pear tree); BBCH 57 II – the fruit reaches 40 mm in diameter; BBCH 74 (after June fallout) III – fruit reaches 60% of typical size; BBCH 76 IV – the fruit reaches 80% of its typical size; BBCH 78
Cherry, Plum cherry 4-5 l/ha I-First treatment should be performed on a green bud; BBCH 54 II – Fruit reaches 30-40% of typical size; BBCH 74 III – Fruit reaches 80% of typical size; BBCH 78
Strawberry Raspberry Blackberry 3-5 l/ha I – stems reach 90% of typical strawberry length () stolon shoot; BBCH 39-(41) II–first flower buds visible on BBCH 56 III– the fruit reaches 40% of the target size; BBCH 74 IV– the fruit reaches 70% of the target size; BBCH 77 V– strawberries in autumn – beginning of bud formation in the axils of leaves
Blueberries, Currants 3-5 l/ha I – shoots reach 90% of the typical length of BBCH 39 II – light green bud, bud break; BBCH 53 III – Fruit reaches 30% of typical size; BBCH 73 IV- Fruit reaches 70% of typical size; BBCH 77
Cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage 3-5 l/ha I – 10-12 true leaves (5 l/ha); BBCH 22 II – 30% of typical head or head diameter (5 l/ha); BBCH 43 III- 70% of typical head or head diameter (5 l/ha); BBCH 47
Onions 3-5 l/ha I – 10-12 true leaves (4 l/ha); BBCH 43 II – 30% of the typical diameter of an onion head (5 l/ha); BBCH 43 III – 70% of typical onion head diameter (5 l/ha); BBCH 46
Beetroot, carrot, parsley, celery 3-5 l/ha I – 10 true leaves (4 l/ha); BBCH 20 II – 30% of typical root size (5 l/ha); BBCH 43 III – 60% of typical root size (5 l /ha); BBCH 46
Tomato, cucumber, pepper 3-5 l/ha I – 9 true leaves on the main stem (4 l/ha); BBCH 19 II – first flower buds on the main shoot (5 l/ha); BBCH51 III – first fruit on the main shoot reaches the target size (5L/hr); BBCH 71 IV – the first fruit on the shoot of the second branch reaches the target size (5l/h); BBCH 79 (721) V– first fruit on the shoot of the third branch reaches the target size (5l/h); BBCH 79 (731)
Beans, peas 3-5 l/ha I – 8-9 visible side shoots before flowering (4 l/ha); BBCH29 II – first flower buds elongate (5 l/ha); BBCH 55 III – 40% of pods reach typical length, first seeds visible (5 l/ha); BBCH 74
Sugar beet 3-5 l/ha I – leaf cover 30% of the soil surface (4 l/ha); (BBCH 33); II – covering 90% of the soil surface with leaves (5 l/ha); (BBCH 39); III– 50% of typical root size (5 l/ha); BBCH 45
Potato 3-5 l/ha I – covering with leaves and shoots 30% of the soil surface (4 l/ha); (BBCH33) II– tubers reach 20% of typical weight (5 l/ha); BBCH 42 III – tubers reach 70% of typical weight (5 l/ha); BBCH 47
Winter rape 3-5 l/ha I – in autumn, in the rosette stage, BBCH 18 (4 l/ha), II– spring start of elongation of the main shoot </ span>BBCH 32 (5 l/ha), III- green bud, until the beginning of flowering (5 l/ha); BBCH 51 IV- 20% of siliques reached typical size ( 5 l/ha); BBCH 72
Corn 3-5 l/ha I – phase of 8-10 true leaves BBCH 20 (5 l/ha)
Winter cereals 3-5 l/ha I – autumn – 9 leaves of BBCH 19 (4 l/ha), II – in the spring, the tillering phase shows a second side shoot (5 l/ha); BBCH22 III- The upper part of the spike emerges from the leaf sheath (5 l/ha); BBCH 51

Available packages​

5 l